Elasticsearch, Isomorphic JavaScript, Presentations, Search

ZendCon 2017

I'm excited to once again be presenting at ZendCon 2017. This year I'll be doing two talks.

On Tuesday, October 24, I'll be presenting "Isomorphic WordPress Applications using NodeifyWP" which will cover isomorphic JavaScript in WordPress, specifically NodifyWP, Twenty Sixteen React, and the NodifyWP Environment. Here are my slides.

On Thursday, October 26, I’ll be presenting “Transforming WordPress Search and Query Performance with Elasticsearch “. This talk will cover Elasticsearch, ElasticPress and WordPress. Here are my slides:

Isomorphic JavaScript, JavaScript, Node.js

Isomorphic WordPress Applications using NodeifyWP at WordCamp Lancaster 2017

This weekend I'll be presenting on "Isomorphic WordPress Applications using NodeifyWP". I'll also be discussing the NodeifyWP Environment – a Dockerized environment pre-setup for running NodeifyWP applications.

Isomorphic JavaScript, WordCamps, WordPress Plugins

NodeifyWP and Twenty Sixteen React Debut at WordCamp Denpasar

Today, I am speaking at the inaugural WordCamp Denpasar. I will be giving a talk on NodeifyWP and Twenty Sixteen React, giving the debut demo of the framework.

NodeifyWP is a framework, created by 10up, for creating isomorphic JavaScript applications within PHP and WordPress. Twenty Sixteen React is an example theme using the framework along with React.js and Redux.

Here are the slides for my talk:

Isomorphic JavaScript, Node.js, Presentations

Fluxible at DevIgnition 2016

Today I am presenting at DevIgnition 2016.

Fluxible is a framework by Yahoo that follows the Flux architecture by Facebook. The framework enables you to build powerful isomorphic JavaScript applications that are extremely maintainable, extensible, and scalable using React.js components. The Flux architecture employs a “unidirectional dataflow” and has three major parts: “dispatcher”, “stores”, and “views”. Yahoo’s Fluxible library contains some very powerful tools for setting up your application.

My presentation will run through the basics of React.js, Flux, and Fluxible. It will then run through the key pieces of my Fluxible Starter library which is a barebones Fluxible implementation using Gulp as a task runner.

Here are the slides:

Command Line WordPress, Node.js, Unit Testing

Dockunit: Containerized Unit Testing Across Any Platform and Programming Language


I want my application to work on all the environments I claim to support but I have no way of easily testing updates in each environment.

Bad Solution:

Continuously push to your remote to force Travis CI to test changes in multiple environments.

Good Solution:

Containerized unit testing with Dockunit.

Dockunit is a simple node command that lets you run your test framework of choice across a number of predefined containers. Each container can have it’s own test command and Docker image. It was born out of the need to ensure my PHP applications (WordPress specifically) were compatible with a spectrum of environments. Travis CI dropping support for PHP 5.2 was the final straw so I created this command for myself and decided to make it public.

Install/Usage Instructions for Dockunit

1. Ensure dependencies are met. See requirements on Github.

2. Install Dockunit

npm install -g dockunit

3. Setup project(s) with predefined containers.

To do this create a file called Dockunit.json in the root of any project you want to run Dockunit on. Github contains specific guidelines for how to write Dockunit.json files. Here is an example file for testing a WordPress plugin in PHP 5.2 FPM in WordPress 4.1, PHP 5.5 FPM in WordPress 4.0, and PHP 5.5 for Apache in WordPress 3.9:

  "containers": [
      "prettyName": "PHP 5.2 FPM WordPress 4.1",
      "image": "tlovett1/php-5.2-phpunit-3.5",
      "beforeScripts": [
        "service mysql start",
        "bash bin/install-wp-tests.sh wordpress_test root '' localhost 4.1"
      "testCommand": "phpunit"
      "prettyName": "PHP 5.5 FPM WordPress 4.0",
      "image": "tlovett1/php-fpm-phpunit-wp",
      "beforeScripts": [
        "service mysql start",
        "bash bin/install-wp-tests.sh wordpress_test2 root '' localhost 4.0"
      "testCommand": "phpunit"
      "prettyName": "PHP 5.5 for Apache WordPress 3.9",
      "image": "tlovett1/php-apache-phpunit-wp",
      "beforeScripts": [
        "service mysql start",
        "bash bin/install-wp-tests.sh wordpress_test3 root '' localhost 3.9"
      "testCommand": "phpunit"

3. Run Dockunit command.


Note: This assumes you have changed directories to your project root. You may need to sudo.

Detailed command usage instructions can be found on Github. Contributions and bug reports are encouraged :).

Publishing Experience, WordPress Plugins, WP API

Custom Contact Forms Redux

In 2009-2010 Custom Contact Forms was one of the first WordPress plugins I wrote. The purpose of the plugin was to solve a simple problem: easy contact form building on the web.

As I was building the plugin, WordPress 3.0 had not yet been released, and therefore custom post types and other useful API’s did not yet exist. I wrote the plugin the best I could using custom database tables (ouch!). The plugin become decently popular. I continued development on the plugin for the next year or so. In the process I learned a lot about writing code for WordPress. Also in the process I landed a job at 10up where I learned (and continue to learn) more than I ever thought I would.

Years later in 2015, here I am an experienced WordPress developer and an avid open source contributor. I have used most of the popular WordPress form plugins: Gravity Forms, Ninja Forms, Formidable, etc. Using all these plugins, despite lots of great functionality, have left me with the nagging feeling that something is missing.

That something was the WordPress experience. With the release of the media manager in WordPress 3.5, we have all grown accustomed to a high quality media management experience through smooth JavaScript interactions. Form management should be no different; they should be built within a media manager-esque modal, no page reloads should be necessary, and we should get live previews of what we are building. Simple task right? 8 months later… 🙂

Detailed installation and usage instructions are on Github. Download the plugin from WordPress.org

For Users

Within the post edit screen, a simple “Add Form” button next to the “Add Media” button brings up the form manager modal:


Within the form management modal, you can also see your existing forms and edit them if you choose:

View all your forms within the form management modal for easy access.

After inserting a form into a post, you see a nice preview within TinyMCE:

Form previews even show within TinyMCE.

While the meat of the plugin lies within the form manager, single form views exist. Within a single form view you can see a live form preview:

Live previews of your forms are generated on the fly. No more guess and test.

Also within the single form view lives the form submissions table. You can easily paginate through results and add/remove columns as you please:

Easily scroll through form submissions in tabular format. You can configure columns you would like to see to ensure an uncluttered view.

For Developers

Most of the plugin is written in JavaScript. Custom Backbone views, models, and collections are written to emulate and display forms and fields. The plugin is extremely extensible. You can easily hook in to modify existing fields and views as well as create your own.

The plugin includes the new JSON REST API for WordPress. Right now, it is included as a Composer dependency for various reasons until the API is added to WordPress core.

Note: While the plugin is suitable for production environments, version 6 is still somewhat in beta. Please let me know on Github if you experience any problems.

Command Line WordPress, Node.js, WordPress for Enterprise

Run WordPress Cron on Real Unix Cron with Node.js

WordPress cron is a confusing beast. Most people don’t understand it or intentionally use it. It is not the same technology as Unix cron. Scheduled post functionality actually depends on WordPress cron. By default on every page load, WordPress checks to see if any cron events are due to fire. If an event is due, it sends a request to wp-cron.php asynchronously to execute the event(s).

So what?

This system works great for small websites running simple theme and plugin setups. Often when building WordPress applications for enterprise, enough resource intensive events get setup on cron that HTTP requests timeout before completion. We can circumvent this problem by executing WordPress cron using actual cron.

wp-cron-node is a simple node command that runs WordPress cron events via PHP CLI and Unix cron. It will execute WordPress cron events that are due for execution. The command requires WP-CLI.

Let’s run our scheduled events using actual Unix cron and Node:

  1. Make sure npm and WP-CLI are installed.
  2. Run the following command:
    npm install -g wp-cron-node
  3. Disable WordPress cron. This will prevent HTTP requests from triggering cron events. Put this code in wp-config.php:
    define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', true );
  4. Finally, setup your crontab file to your liking. Edit your crontab with the following command:
    crontab -e

    Here is an example crontab entry that will check for scheduled events every 10 minutes.

    */10 * * * * wp-cron-node /path/to/wp

    Note: Running this every 10 minutes means cron events could fire up to 10 minutes late. Ten is a conservative number for performance reasons. Change this to whatever makes you comfortable.

Backbone, WordPress Code Techniques

Syncing Backbone Models and Collections to admin-ajax.php

Backbone is framed around the assumption that your models and collections are backed by RESTful API’s. If this isn’t the case, life becomes difficult. WordPress provides an AJAX API for backend AJAX requests. These requests are sent through admin-ajax.php which is not RESTful.

I’ve written some code to force Backbone models and collections to play nicely with admin-ajax.php. First I’ll show code, then provide explanation:

 * A mixin for collections/models
var adminAjaxSyncableMixin = {
	url: ajaxurl,

	sync: function( method, object, options ) {
		if ( typeof options.data === 'undefined' ) {
			options.data = {};

		options.data.nonce = localizedSettings.nonce;
		options.data.action_type = method;
		options.data.action = 'myaction';

		var json = this.toJSON();
		var formattedJSON = {};

		if ( json instanceof Array ) {
			formattedJSON.models = json;
		} else {
			formattedJSON.model = json;

		_.extend( options.data, formattedJSON );

		options.emulateJSON = true;

		return Backbone.sync.call( this, 'create', object, options );

 * A model for all your syncable models to extend
var BaseModel = Backbone.Model.extend( _.defaults( {
	parse: function( response ) {
		// Implement me depending on your response from admin-ajax.php!

		return response

}, adminAjaxSyncableMixin ));

 * A collection for all your syncable collections to extend
var BaseCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend( _.defaults( {
	parse: function( response ) {
		// Implement me depending on your response from admin-ajax.php!

		return response

}, adminAjaxSyncableMixin ));

The bulk of the action happens in our mixin:

var adminAjaxSyncableMixin = {
	url: ajaxurl,

	sync: function( method, object, options ) {}

We will extend the defining objects passed to our base model and collection. Therefore BaseCollection and BaseModel will have this objects properties (unless they are overwritten — more on that later).

The url property defines the location to which syncing will occur. In this case we are using ajaxurl which is a variable localized from WordPress by default containing a full URL to admin-ajax.php.

The sync property defines a function that will be called in front of Backbone.sync. Backbone.sync is called whenever we call Backbone.Model.save, Backbone.Model.destroy, Backbone.Model.fetch, Backbone.Collection.save, and Backbone.Collection.fetch. By providing a sync property to our base model and collection, we are forcing our sync function to be called instead of Backbone.sync.

adminAjaxSyncableMixin.sync has a few parameters:

sync: function( method, object, options ) {


By default, method is set by the function called. For example, calling Backbone.Model.save or Backbone.Collection.save will call Backbone.sync where method is create or patch (possibly update). method ultimately defines the type of HTTP method used (GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH, PUT, or OPTIONS). object is the model or collection object being synced. options lets us send associative arguments to our sync destination among other things.

Let’s look at the body of this function.

if ( typeof options.data === 'undefined' ) {
	options.data = {};

Setting the data property in options lets us manually overwrite the representational data sent to the server. We are going to use this so we make sure it’s defined, if it isn’t.

options.data.nonce = localizedSettings.nonce;
options.data.action_type = method;
options.data.action = 'myaction';

Now we are just setting up information to pass to admin-ajax.php. By default we pass a nonce that has been localized to our script. options.data.action should contain the action slug registered within WordPress using the wp_ajax_ hook. We will force our request to be an HTTP POST so we send our method along inside action_type for later use.

var json = this.toJSON();
var formattedJSON = {};

if ( json instanceof Array ) {
	formattedJSON.models = json;
} else {
	formattedJSON.model = json;
_.extend( options.data, formattedJSON );

This code sets up our model or collection data to be passed to the server. If the toJSON() representation of the current object is an Array, we know we have a collection. We extend the options.data object with the formattedJSON object we create.

options.emulateJSON = true;

This sends our data as application/x-www-form-urlencoded (classic form style) instead of application/json preventing us from having to decode JSON in our endpoint.

return Backbone.sync.call( this, 'create', object, options );

Finally, we call Backbone.sync in the current object context. We pass create as the method (forcing a POST request). object is simply passed along. We pass options having extended it with our own data. Essentially, our sync function is an intermediary between Backbone save/fetch and Backbone.sync.

var BaseModel = Backbone.Model.extend( _.defaults( {
	idAttribute: 'ID',
	parse: function( response ) {
		// Implement me depending on your response from admin-ajax.php!

		return response
}, adminAjaxSyncableMixin ));

var BaseCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend( _.defaults( {
	parse: function( response ) {
		// Implement me depending on your response from admin-ajax.php!

		return response
}, adminAjaxSyncableMixin ));

We define BaseModel by extending Backbone.Model and mixing in adminAjaxSyncableMixin. _.defaults returns an object filling in undefined properties of the first parameter object with corresponding property in the second parameter object. We define BaseCollection the same way extending Backbone.Collection and mixing in adminAjaxSyncableMixin.

Backbone.Model.parse and Backbone.Collection.parse intercept sync responses before they are processed into models and model data. Depending on how you write your admin-ajax.php endpoints, you may need to write some parsing code.

Finally, we can define, instantiate, and utilize new models and collections based on BaseModel and BaseCollection:

var myModel = BaseModel.extend({});
var myCollection = BaseCollection.extend({});

var modelInstance = new myModel( { ID: 1 } );
modelInstance.set( 'key', 'value' );

var collectionInstance = new myCollection();
collectionInstance.at( 0 ).set( 'key', 'value' );
WordPress Core, WordPress Themes, WP API

A WordPress Starter Theme Based on JSON REST API’s Backbone Client

The past few months I’ve had the opportunity to work on the new JSON REST API for WordPres. My biggest contribution as a WP API team member has been the Backbone client.

The JSON REST API’s Backbone client let’s you interact with a WordPress installation using Backbone.js collections and models. The client is an extremely useful tool in creating reactive web applications (which seems to be where the web is heading).

As a proof of concept, I created a WordPress starter theme based on Automattic’s _s named _s_backbone. Loops (or post streams) in _s_backbone are driven by Backbone.js collections. This means that posts are grabbed on the fly without a page reload. Pagination is accomplished through a “more” button which, again, does not require a page reload. This is commonly referred to as “infinite scroll”.

Please download _s_backbone from Github. Any feedback is appreciated.

Edit: Check out the WP Tavern article on _s_backbone.
